Demerit Accumulations

20 demerits – Parents are contacted and a detention is served (A detention is served with every 20-demerit increment).

50 demerits – Parents are contacted and a parent conference may be requested. The student may be subject to a minimum of a 1-day suspension and/or loss of other privileges. The student forfeits at least one week of extracurricular eligibility (i.e. sports, play, Yearbook, etc…).

75 demerits – Parents are contacted and a parent conference is requested. The student is subject to a minimum of a 1-day suspension. The student forfeits at least two weeks of extracurricular eligibility. Counseling may be required.

100 demerits – The student’s extracurricular eligibility is suspended and the student is subject to a minimum of a 2-day suspension. Eligibility for the next extracurricular event or season will need to be approved by the administration. The student will be ineligible for class offices, leadership positions, and special recognition or awards. Counseling may be required.

125 demerits – The student is subject to a minimum of a 3-day suspension. The student must make up any missed work. Student is subject to disciplinary probation for the next semester and may be required to complete counseling.

150 demerits – The student’s enrollment at MBA is terminated.

Demerit counts are yearly totals rather than semester totals.