Standardized Test Scores and ACT Scores

Average ACT Scores

  EngMathReadSciCompositeWriting (scaled 2-12)
YearNumber TestedMBA vs State Avg.MBA vs. State Avg.MBA vs. State Avg.MBA vs. State Avg.MBA vs. State Avg.MBA vs. State Avg.
20111325 / 21.621.7 / 22.124.2 / 22.221.3 / 22.323.2 / 22.2
20121326.2 / 21.523.3 / 22.025.8 / 22.124.2 / 22.125.1 / 22.1
20132126.2 / 21.524.5 / 22.027.8 / 22.324.8 /22.125.9 / 22.1
20141925.3 / 21.621.5 / 22.024.5 / 22.422.3/ 22.323.6 / 22.2
20151924.6 / 21.623.3 / 22.025.3 / 22.523.3 / 22.324.2 / 22.2
20161323.1 / 19.719.9 / 20.424.6 / 20.721.5 / 30.722.2 / 20.5
20171223.2 / 19.721.6 / 20.423.3 / 20.621.4 / 20.922.4 / 20.5
2018926.1 / 19.825.3 / 20.329.1 / 20.623.8 / 20.826.2 / 20.5
20191029.3 / 19.425.7 / 20.228.2 / 20.424.8 / 20.627.2 / 20.3
20205*24.4 / 19.121.0 / 19.925.8 / 20.522.8 / 20.323.6 / 20.1
20211224.6 / 18.924.8 / 19.924.0 / 20.323.1 / 20.424.3 / 20.0
20221623.6 / 18.323.3 / 19.321.9 / 19.721.6 / 19.822.8 / 19.47.6**
20231823.4 / 21.8 / 23.6 /20.8 / 22.5 / 7.1

*COVID-19 disruption to ACT testing

**First year MBA entered into ACT testing program through Choice. All testers took ACT Writing portion.


National Percentile Ranking Student Average

Maranatha Baptist Academy measures annual academic progress using the norm-referenced Iowa Standardized Test. Scores for the Iowa test are reported as percentile ranking scores, indicating the percentage of students across the nation that one test taker's scores met or exceeded. For example, a student scoring in the 85th percentile on the Mathematics portion of the test scored as well or better than 85% of all test takers.

This table provides average National Percentile Ranking scores in major content areas for MBA students in the given testing year.
Content Area2016 Average NPR2017 Average NPR2018 Average NPR2019 Average NPR2021 Average NPR
Students Tested:3830303657
English & Language Arts86.191.387.685.782.1
Complete Composite84.389.286.281.679.8

AACS Percentile Ranking Student Average

Maranatha Baptist Academy measures annual academic progress using the norm-referenced Iowa Standardized Test. Scores for the Iowa test are reported as percentile ranking scores, indicating the percentage of students across the nation that one test taker's scores met or exceeded.

This table provides average percentile ranking scores in major content areas for MBA students in the given testing year when compared to other private schools similar in philosophy, curriculum, and demographics to MBA. These schools, along with MBA, are members of the American Association of Christian Schools and as such provide valuable, more relevant comparisons for academic progress.
Content Area2016 Average AACS Percentile Ranking2017 Average AACS Percentile Ranking2018 Average AACS Percentile Ranking2019 Average AACS Percentile Ranking2021 Average AACS Percentile Ranking
Students Tested:3830303657
English & Language Arts71.577.672.968.865.5
Complete Composite74.682.

Maranatha Baptist Academy discontinued the use of Iowa Assessments in 2022 in lieu of ACT and PreACT