Course Descriptions

Maranatha Baptist Academy seeks to prepare high school students both for the rigors of college and for career readiness. MBA is uniquely suited to provide a wide range of learning opportunities that enhance the educational experience. MBA uses a variety of curricula to provide structure and enrichment to the learning environment while holding to a distinctively Christian worldview. Publishers of our curricula include Bob Jones University Press, Summit Ministries, Saxon, and Cengage. The following course descriptions provide basic details of what each academic course has to offer:

Band: This course provides students the opportunity to develop musical and collaborative skills through the study and performance of band literature from a variety of genres and styles. Students will focus on individual and ensemble techniques, music theory, and musicianship, showcasing abilities in performances throughout the year while growing in appreciation for God’s gift of music.

Biology: This course introduces students to major topics of Biology including cytology, biochemistry, ecology, genetics, microbiology, zoology, and human biology. Several laboratory and dissection opportunities offer students the opportunity for hands-on science experiences.

Chemistry: This course introduces students to major concepts of chemistry including the scientific method, atomic models, the periodic table, chemical reactions and equations, solutions, thermochemistry, organic chemistry, and biochemistry. Several laboratory opportunities offer students the opportunity for hands-on science experiences.

Choir: This course gives students the opportunity to learn, grow, and develop abilities to create and perform music. Students will take part in a variety of vocal exercises while practicing songs from a many musical genres and singing in various performance opportunities throughout the year.

Computer Applications: This course teaches speed and accuracy in keyboarding and introduces Microsoft Office Word, Excel and PowerPoint. This course also addresses aspects of internet research & digital citizenship.

Bible Doctrines I & II: Bible Doctrines lays the foundation for a Christian worldview by studying what the Bible reveals about God, humanity, and life in this world. The major doctrines of the Bible are examined thoroughly and students are guided through applications of the doctrines to real world situations.

Algebra I: This course assists students in understanding complex problems and functions. Topics covered include exponents and roots, absolute value, equations and inequalities, scientific notation, unit conversions, graphing, factoring, quadratic equations, variations, and statistics and probability.

Algebra II: Algebra II introduces new concepts that deepen understanding and emphasizes the structure and techniques of Algebra. Students will be prepared for Algebra 3 through explicit embedded geometry instruction. Trigonometry concepts, statistics, and applications for other subjects such as physics and chemistry are also included. 

Algebra III: Algebra III extends topics and concepts of intermediate Algebra and introduces advanced topics.  Topics include relations and functions, equations, matrices and vectors, trigonometric functions and applications, sequences and series, polar coordinates, exponential and logarithmic functions, analytic geometry, and probability and statistics.

Bible Quiz: Bible Quiz class gives students the opportunity to hide God’s Word in the heart in a competive setting. In Bible Quiz, Bible memory through group and individual study boosts fellowship, discipleship, and accountability. Bible Quizzing provides competition but more importantly dwells on the practical value and life ministry that result from knowing and applying the Word of God

Calculus: Calculus is the mathematical tool used to analyze changes in physical quantities. Topics include finding the tangent of a curve at a point, the length of a curve, the area of a region, the volume of a solid, maximum and minimum values of a quantity, and the velocity and acceleration at any given instant. Advanced concepts in this course provide a rigorous preparation for college studies.

Christian Worldview I & II: This course teaches students how Christians can apply Biblical Truth to explain and influence the world around us. Specific social and cultural issues studied in this course include abortion, marriage and sexuality, technology, education, entertainment, justice, religious freedom, and politics, among others. Students will combine key doctrines of the Bible and wise reasoning to understand the issues of the society in which we live.

Cultural Geography: This course examines the general study of geography as it applies to both cultural and physical traits. Attention is given to understanding the themes of geography and regions around the world. A Biblical worldview of culture and society is incorporated throughout the course.

English 9-12: These grade-level courses consist of literature, grammar, and composition, and each year advances knowledge from previous studies in English. Students become acquainted with various periods and genres of literature written by American and British authors and develop skills in literary criticism. Grammar components include parts of speech, sentence structure, vocabulary, and writing mechanics. Additionally, students study the writing process extensively and improve writing skills through a variety of creative and research essays.

Government: This course examines the types of world governments, state and local government, and rudimentary components of the United States government. Attention is given to the United States Constitution with the intent of building civic understanding and appreciation for the democratic process. A Biblical worldview of government and civic responsibility is incorporated throughout the course.

Handchimes: This course accepts students from any musical or non-musical background, teaching musicians the basic music skills of counting, note identification, and ringing techniques. Students will learn to play together as a team and continue to improve through several concerts and competitions throughout the year. 

Spanish I: Spanish 1 is an introduction to the Spanish language and focuses on four key areas of foreign language study: listening, speaking, reading, and writing. Students will master proper Spanish sentence constructions, articles and adjectives, subject-verb agreement, and regular and irregular verb conjugations.

Spanish II: Spanish II builds on Spanish I with an in-depth focus on four key areas of foreign language study: listening, speaking, reading, and writing. Students will develop greater understanding in the use of Spanish sentence constructions, with introductions to present progressive, reflexive, commands, preterit, and imperfect verb conjugations. 

Physical Education: This course covers the importance of an active lifestyle, healthy eating, and exercise routines. Topics include health and skill related components of physical fitness, CPR and first aid, and basic nutrition principles. Students are instructed in individual, dual, and team sport skills and are provided opportunities for skill development through competition as well as experience in developing and following a personal nutrition plan. 

Physical Science: This course introduces students to the basics of Chemistry and Physics. The first part of this course covers Chemistry topics such as the scientific method, atomic models, the periodic table, chemical formulas, chemical equations, solutions, pH, and organic chemistry. The second part of the course covers topics of physics including motion, forces, and various forms of energy.

Speech I: Speech I gives students training in public speaking, communication, listening, and media evaluation. The goal of the course is to provide students with purpose, practice, and polish in any speaking situation. Through both academic study and an emphasis on performance, students develop techniques to apply in each concert and competition of the year.

Speech II: Building on fundamental speech skills from Speech I, students in Speech II will learn and practice the power of communication to persuade, inspire, and teach. By developing speech content, students will build confidence to speak in any situation or setting. Various concerts and competitions throughout the year provide an outlet for the skills learned in this course.

US History: This course examines the history of the United States from the age of exploration through modern day events. The course is organized around general eras and themes throughout American history as students develop a broad understanding of our nation’s past. A Biblical worldview centered on divine providence in the founding of our nation is incorporated throughout the course.

World History: This course examines the history of the world from Creation and ancient civilizations to the 20th century. A focus on general eras and themes throughout time provide a structure for understanding God’s movement in world events of the past and present. A Biblical worldview especially centered on divine providence in world events is incorporated throughout the course.